Tesbihat Tesbihat, A dua sequence optionally recited after salaat., worldholistic.orgTesbihat Tesbihat, A dua sequence optionally recited after salaat., worldholistic.org
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Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem

A dua sequence optionally recited after salaat.

1. After the Imam concludes Fard Salaat, the Muezzin recites aloud:

Allahumme entes-selam

wa minkes-selam

tebarekte ya zal jalali wal


2. If there are any sunnat prayers to be performed after fard, they are performed.

Afterwards, the Muezzin says aloud:

Ala Rasulina Salawat

Each person responds silently:

Allaahumma salli 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'alaa ali Sayyidina Muhammadin

3. Muezzin aloud:

Subhan Allahi wal hamdu Lillahi wa La ilahe illallahu vallahu ekber
Ve la havle wa la kuwwate illa billahil aliyyil azim

After this, every person silently recites:


4. Muezzin aloud:

Zul Jelali Subhaanallah

Every person silently recites 33 times:


5. Muezzin aloud:

Zul Kemali Alhamdulillah

Every person silently recites 33 times:


6. Muezzin aloud:

Zul Qudreti Allahu Akber

Every person silently recites 33 times:

Allahu Akbar

7. Muezzin aloud:

La ilahe illallah wahdehu la sherike leh,
lehul mulku wa lehul hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shey'in kadir

Every person repeats this silently.

8. Muezzin aloud:

Subhaana Rabbiyel Aliyyil Alel Wahhab

Every person raises their hands and silently prays.
Either imam or muezzin concludes this dua session by saying the Fatiha.

Composed , Designed & Developed By : MUNICO. ( Computer Hardware Engineer )


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